Genre: Death Metal, Progressive Death Metal
Album(s): Scream Bloody Gore
Before putting up any more death metal classics, I realized that I simply had to get this one up first. The works of the band Death--considered by many to be the first death metal band--have had an astounding impact on both death metal and metal as a whole. Their music on the album "Scream Bloody Gore" is filled with loads of growls & screams, low-tuned distorted guitars, and brutal drumming. The main mastermind behind such innovative work is Chuck Schuldiner, who is often renowned as the "Father of Death Metal." Chuck performed the vocals, guitars AND bass on "Scream..." where he helped perfect the death metal growl while shredding brutal solos on his guitar. Speaking of the guitar, I feel like the guitar work on "Scream..." plays a major role in distinguishing this album as death metal; from the scales used, to the tempo changes, and even to the solos, everything seems to reflect the ideal death metal mood. On top of that, the lyrics helped add on to this dark atmosphere with its themes revolving around zombies, gore, death, etc. Overall, this band and album are a great listen for anyone who wants to get a better idea of death metal, or even for those of us who miss the old school sound.
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